Friday, December 19, 2008
Learning to Love Turk
So Deegan and Turk haven't really been getting along so hot until the last few days. Turk would jump on Deegan and Deegan would cry, the Deegan would get curious and go climb on Turk and Turk would cry... it was fun! Anyway, they have started learning to tollerate eachother a little better now, and it's almost like they don't even know eachother is there now! One day, they will love eachother but for now, they can "nothing" eachother and that will be good too!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Christmas Tag..
Welcome to the Christmas edition of getting to know your friends.
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?Definately Wrapping paper! I usually wrap everyone elses gifts too because I love it!
2. Real tree or Artificial?Artificial
3. When do you put up the tree?Thanksgiving weekend, but this year it was a few days early since I was working on the weekend
4. When do you take the tree down? ... when I feel like it, before New Years. It's not as exciting taking it down as putting it up.
5. Do you like eggnog?Sometimes, but it has to have half eggnog and half sprite or 7 up
6. Favorite gift received as a child?not sure.
7. Hardest person to buy for?Men for sure...
8. Easiest person to buy for?Keli, my sister... she likes anything I like usually.
9. Do you have a nativity scene?Yes, a wooden one that my parents made.
10. Mail or email Christmas cards?Christmas Cards??? SHOOT I FORGOT! Does posting it on the blog count?
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?Don't think I've even gotten anything terrible. I got a really ugly recycled lamp for my wedding though!
12. Favorite Christmas Movie?
The Grinch. I did my senior paper in high school on it (we had to pick a book that had been made into a movie, everyone elses books were like 500 pages, mine was 39! :-))
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas?Usually I wait until the day after Thanksgiving, but I always just end up buying for myself that day, so maybe the week after, but this year I started before Halloween... It's really thrown off my groove being done with it early!
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?not that I can remember. Recycling is a nice idea, but only if you don't pretend it's new... I prefer to give those kinds of things away.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?Christmas Breakfast: Waffles, French Toast, or German Pancakes (my favorite of all) with sausage, eggs, and eggnog with 7-up
16. All time favorite Christmas present? From my doctor, telling me on Christmas Eve that he would induce me!! YAY! (and Deegan was a perfect gift too!)
17. Favorite Christmas song?Dolly Parton's Hard Candy Christmas, Silver Bells or Still, Still, Still
18.Travel at Christmas or stay at home?To Mom and Dads... this year thats a whole 60 miles!
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's?Maybe, if I thought hard, but Deegan is trying to eat my newspaper, so I better not.
20. Angel on the tree top or a star?Adam- Angel, Me-Star.... our tree- Angel
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning?Morning... at 630 for as long as I can remember.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year?Grumpy people, how can you be so grumpy at such a great time of year??
23. Favorite ornament theme or color?I really love the black and red and white decor, but I also like the traditional dark red and green, which is what I have now.
24. Favorite for Christmas dinner?... who cares about Dinner, I can't wait for Breakfast!
25 What do you want for Christmas this year?well, I got my puppy... maybe a pair of slippers.
ho ho ho YOU'RE IT!
And of course the rest of you bloggers who haven't done it already!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
My New Puppy
Last night we went and got a Puggle puppy (He's a Beagle and Pug mix). He is so cute! His name is Turk Turkleton (from the show Scrubs), but we just call him Turk. He's about 2 months old. Deegan was a little jealous last night when we were holding the puppy, not him, but now, he just thinks it's funny to see the puppy.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Down on the Farm
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Random Pics From the summer...
I was thinking this morning... it's silly to try and "catch up". No one really cares about what I did 4 months ago! I think that's why I was so good aboout writing in my journal for so many years. I felt guilty if I missed a day or two! Oh well, I'm a little nuts... I know! (and probably really OCD)
Anyway, here's some fun pics that I kept wanting to post and never did. I won't bore you with stories.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Oh Deer!
So I went to put Deegan in his highchair the other morning for breakfast, and glanced out the back window to see this...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Halloween- I know kinda late!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Unforgotten Time Photography
The last time we had pictures taken of us or Deegan was when he was about 3 months old, and he is 10 months now, so we were long over due for pictures again. My brother took some really great pics of my sister and her family, so we asked him if he could take some for us too. they turned out SOOOOO good. I haven't seen all of them yet, but he posted a few on his blog. you HAVE to see them, he did a great job! Anyway, his blog is When I have more pics, I will post some of them.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Life in Mayberry
Okay, so as I promised, I am going to really work on updating the blog so you guys can see what we've been up to for the last couple of months.
Last I left off, we were buying our house. Well, we are all moved in and LOVING the area. We have decided that we live in Mayberry ( from the Andy Griffith Show). (I was going to say the modern day Mayberry, but I'm not so sure Providence is up with the times!) The first few weeks after we moved in, we had people at the door coming to meet us almost every day! People from even blocks away would walk over to bring us treats and get to know the new neighbors. We got pie and ice cream, cakes, carmel corn, cookies... you name it, we probably had it! Everyone is just so friendly here it almost scares me! But, we love it. The ward is so welcoming and friendly. It's not so uptight that you can't be comfortable being there, like a couple of the wards we've been in.
I think what I am most excited about is that Deegan has friends all over the place. We have some great friends (Garrett and Emily Matthews) who live just up the street and are in our ward, and they have 3 kids who all adore Deegan. Their youngest just turned 1, so he and Deegan have alot of fun together, and the other 2, (3 and 5) love to play with Deegan too. There's a family right next door with a baby girl (maybe about 5 months old?) who will be fun for Deegan when she is a little bit older too, and accross the street, a little 8 month old boy. Lots of babies his age in the ward too, so there will be lots of kids to play with when he is a little bigger.
We really love it. The yard has taken over most of our weekends (when we were not down visiting family), but I think we are done with yard work for the winter. Next spring will be BUSY! Anyway, things are going really well, and we are so excited to have the new home and a wonderful group of people surrounding us. I have never been in a better ward!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
My new endeavors
Anyway, enough of that rant. My newest adventure is starting a business. Right now, I am starting very small, but once life settles down a bit and I have the bricks and mortar in place for the business I plan to expand. I am starting a website with a few different baby items to begin with, and then maybe in a few months, will become a distributor for many other companies including clothing, toys and other baby and childrens accessories. My plan is to open a store up here in cache valley and maybe one day design my own children's clothing line (these of course are more along the lines of 5-10 years from now). For now, I am working on building, and my first shot at selling my products will be on the 25th of October. I am doing a boutique in Ogden at my sister's house. Come see what we have and see the other vendors too! If nothing else, I haven't seen some of you in a long time... this is a good chance to come say hi!

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Stay Tuned
Okay, so I have really been neglecting my blog... I know. Life has been absolutely nuts!! We are finally moved in to our house, almost everything is unpacked (I have boxes that probably wont ever get unpacked!), work is about to get a lot less chaotic and I think I finally will have time to do some blogging! I think after this week, I will probably be posting a lot so I can get caught up. Everytime I think about posting a new blog, I think "No way I have time to get caught up all the way, I'll do it later." Then of course, "later" never happens! So I figure, that no one wants to read a blog post that takes an hour to get through, so I will just post a little at a time and one day I will be caught up!
Anyway, for now... I have to show off these pictures I took of Deegan. This is in our backyard in the raspberry bushes.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
So I don't have any pictures right now, but that's because I am on the computer at Star Nails in Farmington. First- let me back up. Keli started this tradition that when any of us has a baby, we go in right before and have pedicures (Keli, me, Roxy and Mom). The best part of this is that so far, we have all been able to plan the day for our babies to come, so we know when to go in just before. Well we planned to get our pedicures today, and we told Keli they were at 4 pm. I picked her up just after 3 and "needed to stop to get tamales at Chapparros in Ogden for my in-laws since they helped us move yesterday". Instead we threw Keli a suprise baby shower. The first words out of her mounth were "So I don't get a pedicure?". She was SO excited for the pedicure! She loved the shower though, and we really had appointments for 6 pm. Anyway, so now we are getting pedicures, at probably my favorite place so far. They are the only licensed salon in Davis County, so they are able to do more than any other salon around here. My favorite part is that I am sitting in the chair with one of their laptops on my lap and complimentary drinks and a movie to watch. This is the life. I have decided that I need one of these chairs in my house to sit in while I work! Ok- enough of that, back to relaxing!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Let's Reminisce
Come out, come out, wherever you are!(I got this from my really good friend,and sister Keli)
1. As a comment on our blog, leave one memory that you and one of us had together. It doesn't matter if you know us a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about us, we'll assume you're playing the game and we'll come to your blog and leave one about you
Monday, July 28, 2008
Our New House
So we're finally getting comfortable and organized in the rental and we've found a house! We just signed the final contract and took it over to the sellers tonight. The house is in Providence, and was built in 1912. About 10 years ago, the walls were torn down and completely re-built on the inside with all new wiring and plumbing. It's BEAUTIFUL! The current owners have kept it really nice and have even painted it nice. It has 3 rooms and 2 bathrooms and a 2 car garage. The best part of the whole deal is the yard. This house sits on .39 acres that is very well landscaped. We have mature apple trees, and about 10 other trees which are only a couple of years old and include: Peaches, Pears, Plums and Apricots! We also have raspberries, strawberries and grapes! (and a whole other plot to plant veggies) There is a fire pit out towards the back of the yard as well as a shed. We already have a few friends in the neighborhood and are SO excited to move in!
The bathroom on the main floor
The downstairs family room
Downstairs bathroom
The Backyard ( I know you can't see it- but it goes WAY back)
My Raspberries, strawberries and grapes.
We are planning on closing the first part of September! YAY!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Josh Ritter Concert
We went to a concert about a week ago and Deegan was having so much fun. The concert was Josh Ritter (native Idahoan). His website is linked on my blog, check him out. Anyway, it was SUPER hot at the concert while we waited, so Adam's parents got us slushes. Deegan LOVED it. He was so dang cute in his little hat and blue face from the slush. The concert was really good, and you could tell that Josh Ritter sings just because he loves to. After he was done singing, Adam and his brother went to meet him and get autographs. Well, America First (our bank) let's you put pictures on your debit cards, so Adam has one of Josh Ritter's album covers on his. He got up and asked Josh to sign his card. Josh was SO excited because of all the things he's signed, he'd never seen a debit card! He took it and showed it to the rest of the band. Adam was pretty excited too! needless to say, we are now sharing a debit card until his replacement comes in the mail!
On the move...
Deegan has decided that he no longer wants to stay put! He's starting to learn to crawl. He gets up on his hands and knees and rocks and usually moves his knees in until they are tucked under him so far that he knocks his arms down and lunges forward into a faceplant! Whatever works I guess... he's getting places! He's also sitting up REALLY well now... once in a while he tips back when he tries to see what's behind him. Unfortunately, right now I don't have any pictures to prove that he's up because the minute he sees the camera he drops and reaches for it.
Moving Day
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Not just for pregnancy cravings...
Apparently the 2 weeks at the beginning of my pregnancy when I craved pickles was enough of a taste for Deegan to know he loved them. He's found his two favorite desserts... Pickles and Oreo's. (no ice cream for this baby!)
Laundry day at Grandmas
So for those of you who read Kristin's latest laundry update- I swear I'm not copying it! The week before we were to move out of our house, the dryer stopped working. I tried hanging ALL of the clothes for a couple batches, but hanging EVERY baby outfit, onesie, towel, etc. got very time consuming! We had decided that since the washer and dryer were probably close to 10 years old, it wasn't a bad idea to just get new ones than to deal with trying to fix the dryer. Of course, getting the house packed up we didn't want to mess with trying to bring the new set in and the old set out for just a week, so we went with out for a week and a half. We decided that since my parents were out of town for the 4th of July weekend, we'd go do laundry there between the parade and the fireworks. Deegan really loved helping!