Sunday, October 26, 2008

Life in Mayberry

Okay, so as I promised, I am going to really work on updating the blog so you guys can see what we've been up to for the last couple of months.
Last I left off, we were buying our house. Well, we are all moved in and LOVING the area. We have decided that we live in Mayberry ( from the Andy Griffith Show). (I was going to say the modern day Mayberry, but I'm not so sure Providence is up with the times!) The first few weeks after we moved in, we had people at the door coming to meet us almost every day! People from even blocks away would walk over to bring us treats and get to know the new neighbors. We got pie and ice cream, cakes, carmel corn, cookies... you name it, we probably had it! Everyone is just so friendly here it almost scares me! But, we love it. The ward is so welcoming and friendly. It's not so uptight that you can't be comfortable being there, like a couple of the wards we've been in.

I think what I am most excited about is that Deegan has friends all over the place. We have some great friends (Garrett and Emily Matthews) who live just up the street and are in our ward, and they have 3 kids who all adore Deegan. Their youngest just turned 1, so he and Deegan have alot of fun together, and the other 2, (3 and 5) love to play with Deegan too. There's a family right next door with a baby girl (maybe about 5 months old?) who will be fun for Deegan when she is a little bit older too, and accross the street, a little 8 month old boy. Lots of babies his age in the ward too, so there will be lots of kids to play with when he is a little bigger.

We really love it. The yard has taken over most of our weekends (when we were not down visiting family), but I think we are done with yard work for the winter. Next spring will be BUSY! Anyway, things are going really well, and we are so excited to have the new home and a wonderful group of people surrounding us. I have never been in a better ward!

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