Sunday, October 12, 2008

Stay Tuned

Okay, so I have really been neglecting my blog... I know. Life has been absolutely nuts!! We are finally moved in to our house, almost everything is unpacked (I have boxes that probably wont ever get unpacked!), work is about to get a lot less chaotic and I think I finally will have time to do some blogging! I think after this week, I will probably be posting a lot so I can get caught up. Everytime I think about posting a new blog, I think "No way I have time to get caught up all the way, I'll do it later." Then of course, "later" never happens! So I figure, that no one wants to read a blog post that takes an hour to get through, so I will just post a little at a time and one day I will be caught up!

Anyway, for now... I have to show off these pictures I took of Deegan. This is in our backyard in the raspberry bushes.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

That could not be Deegan! Is that really him?! Ahh he is growing up so quickly, what a cute little guy! It looks like he is having fun exploring.