Sunday, October 26, 2008

Life in Mayberry

Okay, so as I promised, I am going to really work on updating the blog so you guys can see what we've been up to for the last couple of months.
Last I left off, we were buying our house. Well, we are all moved in and LOVING the area. We have decided that we live in Mayberry ( from the Andy Griffith Show). (I was going to say the modern day Mayberry, but I'm not so sure Providence is up with the times!) The first few weeks after we moved in, we had people at the door coming to meet us almost every day! People from even blocks away would walk over to bring us treats and get to know the new neighbors. We got pie and ice cream, cakes, carmel corn, cookies... you name it, we probably had it! Everyone is just so friendly here it almost scares me! But, we love it. The ward is so welcoming and friendly. It's not so uptight that you can't be comfortable being there, like a couple of the wards we've been in.

I think what I am most excited about is that Deegan has friends all over the place. We have some great friends (Garrett and Emily Matthews) who live just up the street and are in our ward, and they have 3 kids who all adore Deegan. Their youngest just turned 1, so he and Deegan have alot of fun together, and the other 2, (3 and 5) love to play with Deegan too. There's a family right next door with a baby girl (maybe about 5 months old?) who will be fun for Deegan when she is a little bit older too, and accross the street, a little 8 month old boy. Lots of babies his age in the ward too, so there will be lots of kids to play with when he is a little bigger.

We really love it. The yard has taken over most of our weekends (when we were not down visiting family), but I think we are done with yard work for the winter. Next spring will be BUSY! Anyway, things are going really well, and we are so excited to have the new home and a wonderful group of people surrounding us. I have never been in a better ward!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My new endeavors

Ok, so now I can explain why I have more time on my hands coming quickly. I quit Teleperformance yesterday! YAY!! I wanted to wait to write about it until I had given my notice, becuase some of my coworkers check the blog once in a while. I just got a job as an assistant manager at Motherhood Maternity, and I will just be working part time and mostly in the evenings. That way I can be home with Deegan during the day and actually get to be a mom and a wife. As crazy as it sounds, I can't wait to be able to do my grocery shopping and make dinner! Anyway, this new job is LONG overdue. After I got back from maternity leave, I was under new management, and it has been downhill from there. I used to love my job, but now I am working for a woman on a power trip who it seems has nothing better than to make my job miserable! She constantly is telling what I am doing wrong, or what needs to be changed, basically that I am not as good at my job as she would be. Unfortunately for her, I am leaving her with short notice that will mean, atleast for a short time, she will be filling in on my work. Maybe she will be able to see then, that I work a lot harder than she will ever know and that she can NOT do my job as easily as she thinks!

Anyway, enough of that rant. My newest adventure is starting a business. Right now, I am starting very small, but once life settles down a bit and I have the bricks and mortar in place for the business I plan to expand. I am starting a website with a few different baby items to begin with, and then maybe in a few months, will become a distributor for many other companies including clothing, toys and other baby and childrens accessories. My plan is to open a store up here in cache valley and maybe one day design my own children's clothing line (these of course are more along the lines of 5-10 years from now). For now, I am working on building, and my first shot at selling my products will be on the 25th of October. I am doing a boutique in Ogden at my sister's house. Come see what we have and see the other vendors too! If nothing else, I haven't seen some of you in a long time... this is a good chance to come say hi!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Stay Tuned

Okay, so I have really been neglecting my blog... I know. Life has been absolutely nuts!! We are finally moved in to our house, almost everything is unpacked (I have boxes that probably wont ever get unpacked!), work is about to get a lot less chaotic and I think I finally will have time to do some blogging! I think after this week, I will probably be posting a lot so I can get caught up. Everytime I think about posting a new blog, I think "No way I have time to get caught up all the way, I'll do it later." Then of course, "later" never happens! So I figure, that no one wants to read a blog post that takes an hour to get through, so I will just post a little at a time and one day I will be caught up!

Anyway, for now... I have to show off these pictures I took of Deegan. This is in our backyard in the raspberry bushes.