Thursday, September 17, 2009

More Summer Fun and birthday parties!

WOW- Okay, so I uploaded these pictures like a month ago, but lost my energy to write anything about them. So, here are a few pics from the end of summer. Keli and I made apricot and raspberry jam, and applesauce, and Deegan loved helping!

Helping water our sad little garden.
Loving the "burbries" (raspberries)
I got to go visit my best friends from high school (Tiffany and Brittany). We went to Ikea with the kiddos.
Cullen and Mom's birthday party
Our friends Garrett and Emily-
We had an Elder's Quorum party at the Beaver Creek Lodge (one of the guys in the ward owns it).

We went horseback riding, and it was lots of fun. Since we arrived late the 4 of us got a private tour! It was pretty much a new experience to all of us because those of us who had ridden before, did so a very long time ago. My horse's name was Pegasus, he was nice. Emily's horse was very not nice. He kept trying to run and didn't want to behave, but we made it okay, and will probably go back next year!

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