Friday, June 19, 2009

Memorial day

I know it's a little late, but better late than never, right? For memorial day, we went with my whole family to Fort Buena Ventura in Ogden for a picnic and a fun day of playing. They have a little area that has an old house, a trading post, a school house, and a bunch of Tee Pee's that you can go in and hang out. The kids loved them!

The kids all had bikes (except Deegan- he just got to sit on Aiden's and that was enough) and there were fun bike path's for them to ride on...

And there were PLENTY of things to climb...

Grandma and Grandpa brought giant bubble wands for everyone, so we had fun blowing bubbles. We also had Horseshoes and the Ladder Ball game. And of course, yummy lunch and tons of snacks (Keli made a VERY yummy cake, as usual!)

We even got to go canoeing.
All in all, it was a very fun day, I don't recall any disasters, and we really enjoyed having a day to spend with the family and just relax. That doesn't happen very often!

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