Monday, March 9, 2009

So Long Spring, and something fun to do with $50!

So I was so excited to say good bye to all of the snow that quickly melted off of my driveway, lawn and deck. It has been great because Turk can run around outside all day and get his energy out, Deegan and I have been able to take a few walks, and we are comfortable with out coats when we go out! Well, this morning, Adam woke me up as he left for work, telling me that we got about 8 inches of snow last night. When I got out of bed a couple hours later, I looked outside and was reminded of the snow. His foot prints were completely covered. There was no sign of any life outside. I opened the back door to let Turk out, and found that the snow was about 15 inches deep! (Poor Turk walked right into it not knowing how deep it was and nearly drowned himself in snow!) SO I decded I'd better get out and clear a path to the yard for him. Here's what it looked like at about 8:00 this morning, but it is still snowing....

So I guess I am saying so long to spring for a little while longer instead of winter!

Anyway, yesterday (I know I shouldn't have been shopping on Sunday, but I couldn't pass it up!) I went to Walgreens for a really great deal on Huggies Diapers... Ok, so it's not the MOST fun thing to do with $50, but I get pretty excited :-) Anyway, I spend a little over $50, and got 12 packs of 30-40 Huggies diapers. Unfotunately the Gentle Care (Size 1 and 2) were cheaper than the 4's, so I stocked up on those too. I figure they make great gifts, or one day I'll use them for the next baby! Too good of a deal to pass up! (the picture is kind of blurry- I was using my phone, and had to act fast because this was a really fun pile of diapers for Deegan to climb all over!)


the Powell's said...

Okay, so I just measured and I am terrible at guessing sizes (depth). It is at 16" now... it was probably more like 9" when I opened the door this morning.

Jaime said...

Poor Turk, that's nice of you to save him in the snow & clear a path. Thanks for letting me know about the diaper deal! Dan was laughing with how many I brought home but I'm not sure he realizes how many we'll be using on a weekly basis. I'm sure I have no clue either. ;)