Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mr. Right

For anyone who is looking for Mr. Right, you are going to have to settle for Mr. Almost Right, because I have him already! I just have to tell you what a wonderful husband I have! He is such a sweetheart and is always looking out for what is best for ME.

For those of you who don't already know the story, here it is... When Adam and I met, it was at a mission prep Christmas party, and I talked to him for a whole probably 1 minnute! He found my number about a month later and called me to invite me to go skiing with a group of people. The night he called I had just returned from visiting my boyfriend in Colorado. I was hesitant because I didn't even remember him and I had a boyfriend, so I said I'd see if I was busy or not and call him back (meaning, I'll come up with an excuse and call you back!) I asked my friend Heidi who he was and she convinced me that I should go. Of course, my family was all anxious to have me go, but at that point, their opinion didn't count because I knew it was just because the didn't like my boyfriend. I ended up going, and all of Adam's friends had things come up except for his buddy Tyler and Tyler's little brother. When Adam picked me up, my WHOLE family was up and dressed and sitting in the living room ready to meet him. My mom had even had time to make muffins :-) So it was the 4 of us... after a couple of runs, it seemed like I kept having to dodge the fact that I had a boyfriend, so I finally told Adam. He was pretty disappointed for the rest of the day, but we had fun and he didn't show the disappointment. From there, we started hanging out like 3-5 times a week. We went to church together and really had alot of fun together, but I kept thinking what a great best friend he would make. (Never making the connection that Husband=Best Friend). I continued "dating" the guy in Colorado, until the week before my birthday in April. Adam called me at work and said he wanted to hang out, get some ice cream and just TALK. That word scared me beyond belief because I knew what was coming, but I agreed and we went out that night for ice cream. The drive back to the house was... well, it was silent to start with. Then all of a sudden, with out even looking at me, he said "I know you have a boyfriend but...." I stopped him and said, "I'm sorry, but I'm going to marry him Adam." He told me that he was going to stop going to institute with me and start going to another ward because he was only doing those things to be with me. We spent the next couple hours just talking about things. He told me that he hoped things worked out with the other boyfriend, but that quite often people will either agree to get baptised or will actually join the church, just for their spouse, but then they fall away. I thought about that the whole way home and immediately when I got home I called my boyfriend and before he had a chance to say hi, I blurted out "Are you EVER going to be mormon?" Really, I had no intentions of breaking up, just wanted to discuss my frustration, but his answer was "Katie, I'm tired of this, let's just break up". I spent the next probably day and a half bawling my eyes out, and swore I wouldn't be dating for atleast another year (but in the back of my mind I figured I'd date Adam when I did start dating)! Exactly one week later was my birthday, and Keli had already invited Adam over, so he came regardless of our conversation. He brought a bouquet of Calla Lillies (which I had never outwardly told him were my favorite flower, he just over heard it once) and a giant pop-up card that he made from cardboard.

It was the sweetest thing ever. I still was hesitant to tell him that I had broken up with the boyfriend though, so I waited about another week. When I told him, he said "so does that mean that we can date now then?" I said yes, and we ended up kissing that night. About a week and a half later he told me "I think I more than like you". That REALLY scared me, and I told him that he really didn't know alot of things about me. I told him everything I could think of that would probably scare him away (things that I had mentioned to the old boyfriend nad had made him angry), and he didn't care about any of it and said he liked me the way I was! I just told him he needed to get to know me better and that was it. Just a few days later, after having time to think about it, I told him the same thing, he said "I love you" and we decided to get married ( after 2 weeks of dating!).

It has been the BEST 4 years EVER! I have never known a guy who treats women so well and with such respect! So many times people tell me what a great husband I have, and all I can do is smile and say "I know, isn't he wonderful?"

Anyway, I have to admit, I was wrong and my friends and family were all right when they said he was the one for me, because he truly is, and I love him more and more each day!

Happy Valentines Day!


Maria said...

How fun! I don't think I had ever heard the whole story, even though I knew the more vague story! It's weird to think that it's been this long and I still haven't met your husband--how did life get going so fast?

Jaime said...

Ohh that's so sweet. I'm glad you two are married as well. Good for Adam to keep perusing you when you had a boyfriend. I like the picture of him at the temple, it's like a little kids grin.