Saturday, August 2, 2008

Let's Reminisce

Come out, come out, wherever you are!(I got this from my really good friend,and sister Keli)
1. As a comment on our blog, leave one memory that you and one of us had together. It doesn't matter if you know us a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about us, we'll assume you're playing the game and we'll come to your blog and leave one about you


Kohler said...

Okay, I've got a good one...My last day before maternity leave with Braden and I was hanging out in your room when they kept calling me to the office. I stood up to walk and was in way too much pain, so I sent you running to the office to tell them I was on my way as I crawled through the commons. Good one, eh? P.S. I just turned in my keys! YEAH!!

Maria said...

Two words... "Who's Alma?!"

the Powell's said...

... ummm that's great but, Who's Alma?? :-) good times!

Keli said...

Hmm.... to many to count. How about all the summers you spent at our house in CO. They were good memories for me atleast!

Erik said...

Katie, remember all those late night chats we had when you PROMISED to be home by midnight, but you just lost track of time (yeah right!). Aren't you glad you finally listened to what we were telling you (or did you really?). Anyway, you turned out to be a pretty great daughter anyway (must have been the influence of Adam).

Unknown said...

I would say a fun memory was doing the infomercial for My Memory Suite! Ana did not sit still of course. And getting the free digital scrapbook along with it as well! You introduced me to the great world of digital scrapbooking!

Brant said...

Once there was this girl, I cant remember her name. We went to the place, I cant remember where. Anyways, it was funny.