Saturday, July 19, 2008

4th of July

Ok so it's time to update the blog again!
(I'm starting to get better at this!) For fourth of July, we went to the Kaysville parade with my sister, brother and their families. We had alot of fun helping the kids gather candy from the streets, but I'm not so sure Deegan enjoyed that part- He got hit in the head with a rootbeer barrel candy and a tootsie roll.
At the end of the parade there was a BIG water fight where we were standing, so Adam and I started to walk away so we didn't get soaked.
On the way out of the crowd, a girl walked past us and (standing about 2 feet away) sprayed Deegan right in the face with her super soaker. He didn't like that much either!
He was having fun in the inbetween times though!
It was very hot, so Deegan got worn out quickly.
When we were leaving, I put him in the sling awake, and by the time I got him situated in there he was out like a light! (what a day!)

We spent the rest of the day relaxing and then Deegan and I went to the Kaysville fireworks with the family (Adam was exhausted, so he stayed home).
Deegan LOVED the fireworks! Everytime one would shoot off he'd start jumping up and down and laugh and get SO excited. That was the best part of the whole day. I love to see him get so excited! The other kids were having fun too (with the exception of Aiden
who was a little bit scared by them). After a couple big fireworks, everyone clapped and Liam got so excited and started clapping and dancing! It was cute!

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