Saturday, June 28, 2008

Latest update

Again- I'm terrible at updating this blog! (I guess I wasn't really cut out for blogging, but I'll keep trying!) So here's our latest adventures:

Deegan is getting so big! He has learned that he doesn't have to stay where he is put, and is starting to roll over more and more. He tries to crawl, but usually ends up pushing backwards and getting mad that he's further from his toys! He's sitting up some, but usually tries to stand when we help him sit.

I think he may be one of those babies who just completely skip the crawling and sitting thing. He's just got too much to do to waste time with those! His latest excitement comes from jumping. He NEVER sits still! We bought him a jumper a while ago, and he jumps (or swings when we raise it up higher) until he wears himself completely out! He LOVES to eat, but only what everyone else is eating. We went out for Gelato's the other night, and my brother-in-law Brant was holding him while he ate his ice cream. Deegan wanted it SOOOOO bad. He kept opening his mouth and practically diving into the ice cream. Unfortunately, we cannot share ice cream because he is allergic to milk. He Loves popsicles though!

Here's just a few pictures since it's been a while-
MMMM! I love to share Mom's drink!
Going out in my hat
Finally learned to like "tummy time"!

My New Highchair
Hanging out while mom does her hair
Deegan had his 6 month appointment on Friday. He is getting big, but apparently not growing the same way the average kid does! He is almost 27 in tall (60th percentile) and his head is 44.5 cm (70th percentile) but only weighs 15.5 lbs which is the 15th percentile! I guess he's kinda skinny!

Our next new adventure is moving up to Logan. We just sold our house on Friday, and we close on the 10th. We found a nice townhome to rent for a couple of months while we look for a house to buy. We're excited to move to a new area, and to save LOTS of money on gas and time traveling, but will be very sad to be away from family and friends. (it's only an hour, but still!) It will be kind of sad to leave our first home that we've put so much work into too! Here's some pictures of some of the things we've done since we moved in.
This kitchen was probably the most work of all- we re-did the cupboards once, and the finish on them turned yellow! it was AWEFUL, but it was right when I found out I was pregnant and the paint smells made me sick, so we had to just live with them for a few months. Then we re-did them and they turned out beautiful! You can't see it very well, but Adam put a Venetian Plaster on the one wall that is way cool. I love texture on my walls!
This is Adam's Texas bathroom. (you can't see the Texas stuff because we took it out when we listed our house)

My Favorite room of all- Deegan's room! We had a lot of fun doing this one! (Of course Adam did most of the work, but I did help a little with the boards on the wall!)
Anyway- That's all for now. We'll keep you posted on our new home and new adventures. (hopefully while they are happening rather than 2 months later!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love it. It is a very big update. I like your new background too. You'll have to blog more when you go to Logan so that we know whats going on with you guys. Good luck with the move!