Monday, August 10, 2009

A Month in Review

Well, I got so busy getting ready for the craft show, that I haven't taken the time to do much blogging. I have found that once I get behind, it is hard for me to make time to catch up, so here it is...

For the 4th of July, I had to work during the day, so we missed some of the festivites, but still got in the evening fun...

Keli and I decided to sell glow necklaces to help fund our craft show, so the whole family pitched in and helped... and Baleigh was the best little sales girl I have ever seen. She'd roam the area yelling "glow necklaces, get your glow necklaces. 2 for $3!" It was cute and very effective too! Deegan of course loved the fireworks as much as I do.

Deegan has learned how to use headphones and so he carries Adam's ipod around when we let him and just rocks out to it! It's the cutest thing, until we are ready to put it away and he throws a fit!

Every time Adam brings Deegan to Motherhood to see me at work, he make a bee line straight to the bras and panties. For some reason (maybe because he is a boy!) he loves to take the bras and squish his face right into the middle of them! I caught him one time grabbing the bra and kind of "motor-boating" his face into it (rubbing his face side to side basically)! What a BOY!

A week after the 4th, Keli and I and 3 other friends had a "girls night" in SLC. We went to dinner with a bunch of the girls, and then the 5 of us went to SLC to stay in the hotel. It's funny how you revert back about 10 years when you get together for some free time without husbands and kids! We had a blast and ate way too much junk food!
A week later, Adam had his own "Guys night", only there were girls there- just not me... Sad huh? :-) jk I had other things I needed to do for the weekend, so he and his brother, Kyle went to visit Kyle's friend in Moscow, ID and to see Josh Ritter in concert. All the other friends there had wives there, so I was kinda sad to miss it, but- maybe next year we'll all go. We saw Josh Ritter last summer as well, in SLC, and had a lot of fun. Adam even got his debit card signed (See Last year's Post ) Well, this time, while Adam waited for the show to start, he saw Josh Ritter walking across the field where they were sitting. He decided to run up and see if he would sign the new debit card (also a Josh Ritter card) and a poster. He was more than happy to, and even helped Adam search for a sharpie from other people around. Adam was really excited and had a ton of fun!

Deegan has started pulling at the bottom of his diaper and saying "uh, uh, uh!" with a disgusted look on his face anytime he wets his diaper. So, I decided maybe I'd give the potty training thing a shot. I was not too thrilled about it really, because I really thought I'd be wasting my time this soon, but he has done pretty well. I've been really lazy this week, and haven't made him go since like last Tuesday, but tomorrow I'll get back to it. (I'm going to work in a few) The week before that he was doin really well. He had 3 days in a row where he went twice a day in the little potty chair. I got him a chair that plays music when you pee in it and a bag of Dum Dum suckers. He's loved it. Now I just need to be more consistent and maybe we'll get this done!

So Proud, he had to sit back down and show me his sucker! :-)

On Friday, my little Bro got married. I'll post more pics of them when I have them, but here are a few of the rest of us.

When did my baby become such a big boy?

Look at those handsome boys!

After the reception, Adam and I stayed at the Marriott for our 4th anniversary (which is on Wednesday 8/12) and then went to see Transformers on Saturday (finally!) and then Saturday night we went to see The Blanks (aka: "Ted's Band" from Scrubs). It was a LOT of fun. They are a very funny group of guys and also have a lot of talent. I took some videos, but they are shaky and not very clear (You can just listen to them instead). Adam's parents, brother and my brother, Steve and his wife Roxy, came and we brought Deegan too. It was a fun night and a great weekend!