Friday, May 29, 2009

So much to update about!

Well, it's been a while, and I just loaded my recent pics to my computer and realized that there are a TON! (Of course, I will not bombard you with all of them!) So here's a short version of what we've been up to.

Deegan has found some AWESOME new hobbies Like:
Re-organizing my Pantry (and my house for that matter!)

Playing in ANY Water he can find!

(This was at a park, and right after this when I told him "Gross you can't play in that dirty water!" he threw himself down into it only to completely cover himself in the "Dirty water"!)
Running dirt or sand through his hands- and often into his or anyone in his way's hair

When we were at the previously mentioned park, Deegan had his first chance to play in the sand -other than when he was so little he couldn't do anything with it. He LOVED it! We were there for a baby shower, and he sat at the corner of the sandbox just digging in the sand almost the whole time. (Until he found the water!) Now he finds any dirt he can to play with!

Playing Outside

...Or Begging to Play outside! (Come on dad- I have your shoes, let's go!)

He frequently sits at my door crying to go out
He has also learned some new tricks! Like:
Riding a bike!

ok, so he's just sitting on it- it's still cute!

Turning a boring bath into a Shower!
How to make Popcorn...
AND be patient!
Anyway, that's all I have time for right now, but we had a very fun Memorial Day, that I will definately post pictures from next time I have a few minutes!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Eddie Cap

I found this ( Super Cute hat the other day and was so excited to make one for Deegan. It was really quite easy and didn't take too long either. I was pretty proud of myself, so here are some pictures to show off my works of art -My adorable son and his adorable hat!