Monday, April 27, 2009

New Camera- Lots of Pictures!

I got a new camera for my birthday, and have been loving taking pictures with it, so I thought I'd post some of them. I can't believe the clarity of them (I went from a 7 megapixel to a 10.. WOW, love it!) (Also, one other exciting thing before I turn you loose to my pictures, I made a newborn size tutu and a cute little matching headband a couple weeks ago for a girl who lives up this way, and she posted pictures- SOOOOOO beautiful! I have to say her little girl is the prettiest 3 week old baby girl I have ever seen! She has perfect little girly eyes and lips. Anyway, you have to see the pics! her blog is )

First flower of the year and first flower at this house! YAY!

How can you EVER say no to those beautiful blue eyes?

My Turk Turkleton

This was taken from my back doorway which is about 40 feet away! still a little grainy, but for that far away... looks good to me!

Trying out the new camera for the first time-Our friends Jess and Josh

Playing on the porch
Back Yard Tulips
Analysse, Grandma Jorgensen and Deegan last Saturday. It sure is nice to see Grandma, wish we could do it more often.
We recently found out that Deegan is allergic to Turk... I didn't understand how because it only happens when Turk licks him, and I always thought animal allergies came from the fur, but that same night I got an advertisement e-mail from Claritin with "Common misconceptions about allergies" which said that when you have a dog or cat allergy it is actually an allergy to their saliva. Guess that confirms it! Hopefully we can control it with allergy medicine, so we can keep Turk too!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A New Ogden Tradition!

Keli and I are putting together a BIG Craft Show! The Simply Chic Craft Show will be held on Saturday, July 25th from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM. We still have booth spaces open, so if you are interested, check out the blog for more information. If you have any questions at all, e-mail us at We will have about 65 vendors!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Artichokes for Dinner

So Adam and I ABSOLUTELY love artichokes, so we have them for dinner quite often. Well on Sunday we were going to have them for dinner, so Adam filled up the pot with water and asked if it was enough. I looked briefly over the edge and said "yeah, that should be fine!" So we put them on the stove to boil for an hour like we always do, and went outside to play with Deegan and Turk (I figured I'd come in and check to make sure there was enough water still after about 45 min of so). About 45 min later, I went in to check on them. On the way in the back door I heard a popping sound and assumed it was the neighbors doing something. When I got in, the kitchen was filled with smoke, and the popping was much louder. It was the sound of fire crackling in the bottom of the pot. Apparently it was not enough water! I took the lid off and the whole inside bottom of the pot was glowing red and the artichokes were on fire. I told Adam and in a bit of a panic asked what to do, so he threw water on it. Apparently that's a great way to put a fire out, but not a great way to do it this time. The bottom coating of the pot completely melted right onto the stove top. It was a little funny, and I'm sure will be much more fummy later, but for now, I'm a little annoyed because apparently when artichokes catch on fire they smell EXACTLY like cigarette smoke, which I can't stand! So now, when you walk into my kitchen it smells like a bar. There is a yellow/brownish looking smoke ring on the ceiling, so we will be repainting the kitchen now to get the smell out-hopefully!