Sunday, January 18, 2009

Christmas and Birthday recap

It's been a little crazy these days, so I'm a bit behind on my blogging, so here is a quick recap of the last few weeks. We had lots of fun for Christmas, starting with the Powell Family Christmas Eve. We had the whole family there, and played a few games. One of them was that we each had to pick a paper from a basket with soomething to do written on it. Some of the things were little Christmas stories to read, others were songs to sing/play. Adam's mom has these little pipe things that each play a different note when you hit them on something, so we played songs with those. Blake was excited when he drew the paper to sing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" because he got to sing the part about Figgy Pudding!

The boys all sang Silent Night.

It was alot of fun!

For Christmas day, we kind of bounced around a lot. We had stayed the night at Adam's parent's house, so we got up at about 6 and opened our presents to eachother, and to Deegan, then headed to my mom and dad's house for family presents there. When we got there, everyone was up playing Keli's new Rock Band, so we joined in. It was alot of fun. When I went in and heard them singing, I swore I was not going to sing because you sound terrible when you are trying to follow it, but I ended up really liking the singing part, and usually did that when I played! We opened presents there and hung out for about an hour or 2, and then were right back to the Powell's for family presents and a second breakfast. Then after a couple more hours, headed back to the Jorgensen's for to spend the day and hang out until we were going to go home. We ended up deciding to stay one more night so that we wouldn't be driving in the storm, and of course, the storm decided to wait with us and came the next morning when we were trying to get back for me to go to work! We celebrated Adam and Deegan's Birthday on New Years Eve with Adam's parents and then a couple weeks later with my family. Deegan wasn't sure what to do with the whole cake, so I meant to help him by putting his face in it a little, but ended up covering his face (mostly eyes) with frosting... He didn't eat a bite of it, but he was happy to open presents right after.

Monday, January 12, 2009

New Year

Okay, so I haven't even gotten my Christmas updates done yet, but I'm going to jump ahead to the New Year. I have decided that I really need to get things together for Baby Emblems, since I am basically paying for my website and products to sit and no one to know about them! So, since it is the beginning of a new year, it's a good time to start some fun monthly contests to get the word out. Check out my Baby Emblems blog to see what the contest is for the month of January, and then keep checking back because I will do short term contests once in a while too!